Secret Loaders

Inject the value in .env variables which themselves can contain variables

A normal .env file generally has a structure like


Secretsfoundry allows one to use compose environment variables using other variables or from the existing environment variables.


SecretsFoundry currently provides support for the following sources:

  1. AWS Parameter Store

  2. AWS Secrets Manager

  3. Hashicorp Vault

  4. AWS S3

We will soon be extending support for GCP Secrets Engine and Azure Key Vault. If you need support for other sources, reach out to us for support or send a PR.

To use a loader, the general syntax is:


loader: Can be one of these types: aws-ssm , aws-s3, aws-secrets and vault . If any arguments need to be passed, they are passed inside () path: The path from where value is to be fetched.

Last updated

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